What does holding a tarantula feel like?

The tarantula hobby is absolutely exploding right now, and I think a lot of people are very curious about these animals right now. While I want to stress that tarantulas are absolutely NOT affectionate animals and they don’t even enjoy handling (as far as we know at least), I’d love to answer a question that I get asked often: What does holding a tarantula feel like?
I’d first like to say that you do NOT need to hold your tarantula. Tarantulas do not benefit from handling (in fact, they really just like to be left alone) and handling a tarantula can be very dangerous if you are not versed in the proper way to handle a tarantula. Never try to handle or hold a tarantula unless you know how to test a tarantula’s temperament or are ready to take necessary precautions.
But in short, holding a tarantula feels nothing short of magical. Depending on the age and size of your tarantula, you may be surprised by the weight of your tarantula. Tarantulas are not heavy – they are incredibly light and fragile, but they will have a little weight if they are a large size and you will feel it.
Tarantulas are extremely soft, and their little spider paws will tickle you. But you may also be surprised that it feels a little scratchy at times due to the retractable claws they have on the tips of their feet. Much like cats, tarantulas have tiny claws that they use to climb and hold onto surfaces if they need more stability or grip. While these claws are not out most of the time, you may feel them every once in a while. Also, tarantulas are cold blooded and do not have body heat, so this could be a little surprising for some if they are used to feeling the heat of a cat or dog.
Holding a tarantula feels like nothing else I’ve ever felt in my life. The feeling of 8 little feet moving over your hand or arm at once is exhilerating (and a little terrifying lol) at once. However it is a wonderful feeling and I am happy I got the opportunity to experience it. For those who handle their tarantulas, how would you describe how handling feels?