These Tarantulas’ Spide Paws Are So Cute, They Will Make You SQUEAL (IMAGES)

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Tarantulas are often overlooked for their beauty, but the truth is that these little nerds are downright ADORABLE! From their beady little eyes, furry kiwi butts right down to their little tootsies, these babies are the cutest 8-legged cats to walk the earth. But what many people don’t know is…THE SPIDE PAW.
Tarantulas probably have the CUTEST feet of any creature. They have tiny pads and claws, just like kittens – and if you don’t believe us, just look at these!
Bless these beautiful spide paws <3
I hope you found that helpful! If you’d like to WAY more about tarantulas and how to care about them, be sure to purchase my full tarantula guide!
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