Tarantula Web Mystery: My Tarantula Made A Burrito

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All you need to do is look through Spidey’s Tumblr blog to realize that this beautiful little lady does some really weird stuff, whether it’s planking on her ping pong ball, laying in her water dish, or getting obsessed with parts of her little tarantula web.

I often write about the strange tarantula behavior that I regularly observe to see if any of you have ever encountered such strange sightings or get opinions. The interesting thing about the tarantula keeping hobby is that there is still so much of it that is left up to opinion and perspective. There’s not much official research being done on tarantulas and their behavior, so when weird stuff happens it’s usually up to us and our fellow keepers to figure it out and make our own observations and meaning out of it. So that’s exactly what this post is about – another one of Spidey’s baffling activities that I have no explanation for and I’m looking to you guys for answers on what a strange instance in tarantula web activity really means!

So, this instance happened a little while ago, but it came back to my memory recently. My spider made a burrito out of her tarantula web. If your spider has ever done this, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about but if you’ve never had the pleasure of witnessing this for yourself, you’re probably really confused. I think a visual is in order:

tarantula web

This little burrito artist is about to put Chipotle workers out of business!

Unfortunately, I didn’t witness her making this web and I wish with all my heart that I could have because it would have been SO interesting. Basically, I caught the aftermath. If you know anything about tarantulas, you know that tarantula webs are different than the webs that other spiders make. And even within the variety of webs that tarantulas make, this was far different from anything I’d seen before. It wasn’t her normal webbing or like a molting mat. It was cylindrical and looked as though she’d actually rolled her tarantula web into a perfect enchilada or burrito-like structure.

tarantula web

I was baffled, as you can imagine. I took to Tumblr to try and get some answers. Some suggested it might be an egg sac, or a false egg sac.

That might be plausable, but Spidey has not ever mated in my care, and this didn’t really resemble an egg sac at all.

I observed Spidey interacting with her little tarantula web burrito (which was actually pretty big) and she looked like she was cuddling it.

tarantula web

And then, just a few hours later after webbing the entire impressive structure, she tore it apart and ruined it.

tarantula web

I really don’t know what to say about this, guys lol. I am still 100% baffled. It’s been years since she made a web like this and she has yet to do it again. I’ve been trying to do some google searches, but nothing! Have you ever witnessed this in your spiders?! What do you think Spidey was doing?!

If you liked this article, be sure to check out my full tarantula guide to learn about tarantula care and behavior!