Sassy Tarantula Behavior

Tarantula behavior is quite mysterious, strange, and sometimes entirely silly and baffling. While my tarantulas have done some fascinating things that show just how instinctual and primal these critters are, sometimes the stuff they do just makes NO sense and makes them look super foolish! If you’ve been keeping tarantulas for even a little while, I’m sure you’ve stumbled across or caught them doing some strange things. This article is to highlight some of these silly things and to show that they can be a little cheeky and sassy at times!
Doing naughty things with the water dish
Oh. My. God. How many times per week do I go through this with Blinky, my baby A. chalcodes?! So much so that I actually made a whole video about it! Every time I put water in its water dish, this spider can’t wait to throw dirt in it and bury it! Recently, they have even buried the water dish and used it as the opening to their den to discourage me from emptying the dirt and giving them water!
Not to mention, THIS thing that This thing Blinky did a few days before Halloween:

Speaking of water dishes, Blinky isn’t the only one. My other tarantula, a G. rosea named Spidey, has also had her share of sassy water dish behaviors. Instead of using her water dish to actually drink she has instead used it to poop, as a spa for her toes (she loves to soak those paws!), and as a little bed (she loves laying in it once it gets a little dry lol). I don’t know what it is, but a big part of tarantula behavior is messing with the water dish and doing anything besides drinking water. So many other T owners complain of this, too!
Putting their butt up
This pose always makes me laugh, but it is SO sassy! Have you ever noticed that your tarantula will sometimes stand or walk away with the front of their body lowered and their bum high in the air?! I think it’s so cute! Some people think this may be because the tarantula feels threatened and they’re trying to look bigger, but I’m not so sure. I’ve seen my tarantulas do this when NOTHING is going on around them. Some believe it could be their way of “feeling” the air with their butt hairs. I’m not sure why they do it, but it’s so cute!
Taking your stuff!
A few years ago, I saw a post on Tumblr that went viral. In the video, a G. pulchra had gotten very attached to small teddy bear figure in their tank and REFUSED to allow their owner to take it from them, ensuing an adorable tug of war. Many tarantula owners have also complained about this when their tarantulas have stolen their tongs, painbrushes, or anything else that’s unlucky enough to fall into the tank – and hold it hostage! I totally get it – my tarantulas can get VERY attached to their stuff, too! Good luck getting them back once your tarantual claims it as their own lol.
Tapping on the ground
Every now and then I witness Spidey “tap dancing” on the substrate. What I think she is doing is feeling the ground for any food or vibrations, although I haven’t really looked too far into it. It is so cute and I wish she did it more often so I could catch it on camera!
Climbing for fun/protesting
One very sassy thing Spidey will do is throw a FIT after I change her tank and give her clean substrate. Many tarantulas will do this if their substrate is just a LITTLE moist or they don’t like the changes that have happened! Upset tarantula behaviors might look like standing on anything BUT the substrate, climbing their tank, and even trying to get on their lids! Terrestrials are infamous for this naughty behavior, and they are trying to let you know they HATE what you have done!
Ruining their decor (and your hard work!)
The last few sassy tarantula behaviors I’d like to add also have to do with how tarantulas protest the hard work you have put in to try and give them an amazing life. The first is just straight up WRECKING everything you just did. Both of my tarantulas have done this – they have pulled out their plants, they have buried or knocked over their toys, and spent hours digging up substrate and making a MESS. It may not make any sense, but tarantulas know EXACTLY how they like their space and don’t care about your feelings! Another very common way tarantulas will disrespect your parenting is by completely misusing their hides. I see SO many tarantula owners throwing their hands in the air because their tarantula will NOT use their hides correctly. Instead, they’ll sit or stand on TOP of the hide, or totally ignore it! And let’s not forget about the nice clean water dish you just gave them – they’re going to poop or throw dirt in it very soon!
As you can see, if you look close enough tarantula behaviors are ANYTHING but boring. Did I miss any sassy behaviors?! Let me know in the comments!
And if you want to learn more about tarantulas, check out my tarantula guide!