My Jealous Cat Wants To Be A Tarantula: PROOF!

If you follow my tarantula Tumblr or YouTube, you will be more than familiar with a beautiful white cat named Eva, also known as the Jealous Cat, who just loves to pop up whenever I am doing something with or about the spiders. She almost has a sixth sense for when my tarantulas are getting attention or I’m filming videos about them, and she can’t help but try to ruin the moment or insert herself into the action. Since she’s now become a regular on my channel, I decided that it was time to make a video about the Jealous Cat and why she is the way she is. There are mainly two reasons:
- She is in love with me. Seriously, this cat is obsessed with me. She is almost 17 years old and since she was a baby she was always very clingy and demanding. She has always cried for attention, but it just so happens that she loves doing it even more when I’m with the spiders instead of her. The jealous cat and I have a very close, codependent relationship with each other and I love her to death. She may be very demanding, but I would not change a thing!
- She wants to be a tarantula. This may go along with the first point and Eva’s weird competition for my attention, but she has done some strange things! Not only has she jumped in Spidey’s enclosure while I was cleaning it once (don’t worry, Spidey was out and safe!) but she actually took a NAP in a box of Spidey’s substrate and thought it was FOR HER!!!! This happened many years ago, and it’s still one of my favorite memories of her. Back when I was using substrate bricks instead of loose substrate, I would dry it out in the sun. I thought it would be safe but long and behold, I came home and saw Eva sleeping in the box!!! And of course, when we factor in the part where Eva has a tendency to invade or interrupt when I’m filming my tarantula videos, this either has to be her weird way of sabotaging my tarantulas’ success, or her way of saying she too would like to be a tarantula that is loved by many on the internet! Eva has become well known for this behavior, even years ago before the videos. Eva has this amazing ability to get into photos with Spidey by any means possible lol. To see some photographic proof of this, watch my video above!
It turns out, the jealous cat is far from the only one. Many tarantula owners in fact identify with having a jealous feline in their life who cannot stand when their humans give their attention to other pets. Has your cat or pet ever displayed this ridiculous, funny (and adorable) behavior?
I know this post was not about Spidey or Blinky, but the jealous cat IS their big sister, and is practically forcing us to acknowledge her lol. I hope you enjoyed this humorous look into my life!