My Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula Loves To Dig Tunnels (VIDEO)

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Spidey, my Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula (also known as a Grammostola Rosea) can spend weeks doing absolutely nothing in her tank other than laying around and being cute, and then have an extremely active week (or month).

This little chilean rose hair tarantula usually slows down in the winter and becomes more active once things warm up, but it seems like her internal spider clock has been reversed this year! As it’s gotten colder, Spidey has only become MORE active and has been moving things all around her tank, redesigning things over and over again!

Some of Spidey’s most interesting behavior has been her digging. While chilean rose hair tarantulas have been known to dig, Spidey has never been a tarantula that makes tunnels – until the last few weeks! She started digging her first tunnel out of nowhere (it was super precious). She even stumbled upon an old jar lid she had buried a few weeks ago lol.

Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula digging 5

Spidey has been busy digging several more tunnel since then, and a few have collapsed but her persistence is admirable to say the least!

Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula digging Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula digging

This little chilean rose hair tarantula has now given up on tunnels and is occupying herself with digging straight up holes after she had very little luck with her tunnels.

Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula digging

Nevertheless, this video of Spidey digging one of her tunnels is probably my favorite video of her to date! You can watch it below:

I hope you enjoyed that! I am in the middle of creating a monthly tarantula magazine – if you’d like to be a part of that, you can visit the magazine’s Patreon page to subscribe or make a submission! You can also contact me at for more info!

If you want to learn more about tarantulas, feel free to check out my big tarantula guide (I talk about lots of tarantula facts and enclosure/care tips). You can also get free tarantula tips by signing up for my newsletter or subscribing to my YouTube channel! I release new tips every Tuesday for Tarantula Tuesday! And I also sell some pretty cool tarantula t-shirts, if I do say so myself 😉

Featured image via screen capture