How To Take Care Of Your First Tarantula (Without Stressing Out)

How to take care of your first tarantula
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If you finally made the leap to purchase your first tarantula, let me give you a big CONGRATULATIONS! As with any new experience, taking care of a new pet can be uncomfortable at first – especially with a creature as misunderstood as a tarantula. But don’t worry – you’re going to come away from this post feeling way more relaxed and with a clear direction of what you need to do to become a responsible and capable tarantula owner. I’m going to cut through the extra nonsense that you might get bombarded with on tarantula forums and groups, and give you the latest research and information in tarantula care to take that weight off your shoulders and save you time and money in the process.

You may have already noticed how difficult it is to get information on your own. Have you ever tried to get help from a big tarantula group or forum, only to be made fun of for not knowing everything, even though you just started? Unfortunately, that’s what happens to many new pet owners and it’s very intimidating. If you’re like every other first time tarantula owner, you’ll struggle to find all of the reliable information in one place, and you’ll drive yourself nuts trying to sort through the conflicting info. Not to mention, you probably don’t have time to crawl through dozens of websites and forums every day, only to feel like you made no progress. Does that sound like you?


Photo credit: Danielle Griscti

Most new tarantula owners assume they can get by on their own – but unfortunately they end up taking advice from uninformed, poorly trained pet store owners or other inexperienced tarantula owners. This doesn’t work, and sometimes they find out the hard way by wasting money on the wrong equipment – or even worse, they may end up with an injured or dead tarantula. Sometimes, even when they do turn to a group of experts with a question, they get shut down and embarrassed because larger groups aren’t very friendly to beginners.

Mistakes can be costly for beginners. A bad introduction to the hobby could turn them away for good, and frustration and fear can prevent new tarantula keepers from never reaching their full potential. Not to mention, without extensive knowledge about best practices, care requirements and risk factors, a spider could lose its life. If you’re a new tarantula keeper, you want to protect your investment in the hobby, as well as your new pet.


Photo credit: Raúl Hernández González

Collecting all the information you will need is certainly overwhelming. How do you even know all the things to look for when you’re first starting? And to top it all off, you are also carrying the added stress of having to figure out your new tarantula’s behavior, try to get into a good feeding/cleaning routine, and know how to react if anything comes up while your spider adjusts to its new home. It’s really no wonder why so many people feel intimidated when they first get into this hobby. You’re probably exhausted after spending so much time trying to future things out, and you’re STILL unable to relax or feel confident that you actually know what you’re doing. You’re still struggling to feel comfortable around your tarantula and its needs.

Introducing The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas. It’s a new 200+ page guide that was made specifically for those who are just beginning their tarantula keeping journey and want to fast-track their learning process so they can save time, headaches, and avoid making novice mistakes. This guide is pretty new, but here’s what some people have been saying already:

“I’ve already learned things I didn’t know. It’s so well written!

Anybody could understand this guide.”

“A good read, can tell it was done by a fellow keeper.”

“It’s fantastic!”

With The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas, there are no more guessing games and frustrations. You will know exactly which tarantula will be perfect for you (if you haven’t already chosen one) and you’ll know just what kind of care requirements it needs regardless of whether it is a baby or adult. You’ll finally feel confident and capable, whether you are treating your tarantula’s first injury or just interacting in more experienced tarantula forums. Most importantly, you’ll actually be able to start ENJOYING your new spider instead of worrying all the time.the ultimate guide to tarantulas

My name is Patricia Colli and I’m the owner of Tarantula Heaven and the creator of two popular tarantula Tumblr blogs, a Facebook page, and a Facebook group. I’ve been a tarantula keeper for years, and my own journey inspired me to create The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas. I wrote this massive guide to help educate and protect beginning tarantula owners from the pitfalls that so many of us make when we’re first starting out. I struggled a lot (like you have) to find all the information I needed and knew there had to be a better way to get all of it in one place, in a format that was easy to understand. So, I decided to create it myself.

By finally having a comprehensive guide, new tarantula owners can lower their overall costs, protect the investments they made in their tarantulas, decrease the risks of tarantula injuries and fatalities, increase confidence, and immediately fast-track the learning process without being bogged down with unnecessary, confusing terminology and information.

The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas is an interactive guide that’s easy to digest and understand, along with beautiful images and diagrams to make the learning process fun. There’s no fluff in this guide, as there is with others. It’s just straight research, facts, tips, and tutorials that will get you on your way to becoming a great tarantula owner in a fraction of the time. If you’re interested in purchasing or learning more about The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas, you can check it out here for a special introductory price (won’t last long!).

I hope you found that helpful! If you’d like to WAY more about tarantulas and how to care about them, be sure to purchase my full tarantula guide!

And if you’d like more free spider tips, sign up for my weekly tarantula newsletter or subscribe to my tarantula YouTube channel!