How Long Should You Wait To Feed Your Tarantula After A Molt?

One of the most popular questions for new tarantula owners is how long you should wait to feed your tarantula after it has molted. This is very common especially along new tarantula owners, or T owners that have just gotten a sling after raising adult tarantulas for the first time.
For those who are not aware, you should not feed your tarantula right after it has molted. In fact, you should be waiting several days. Molting is a very intense process in which your tarantula will not only be very weak, but they will also be ill equipped to eat. For this reason, there shouldn’t be any feeders in the tank during your tarantula’s molt or shortly after your tarantula has molted. During this fragile and exhausting time, your tarantula will be very tired and nearly defenseless.
A tarantula will take several days after a molt to regain their strength and get ready to eat. The main thing that needs to happen before you can feed your tarantula is that their fangs need to harden. If you ever watch your tarantula’s molting process, you may notice that your tarantula’s fangs are white with some red. Over the following days, their fangs will be hardening and turn black, signaling that your tarantula is ready to accept food. Once this process has happened, you can start to feed your tarantula.
How long it takes for the tarantula’s fangs to harden depends on your tarantula’s age. For adult tarantulas, it’s generally thought that 10 days is a safe time to wait. For slings or younger tarantulas, you may be able to get away with 3-5 days however please be sure to check your tarantula’s fangs before trying to feed them. Generally it’s better to be on the safe time and wait an extra day or two than risk your tarantula not being ready.
As a sidenote, while your tarantula may not be able to accept food, you must give your tarantula water. Molting is a very difficult process for your tarantula and they will be dehydrated. While they may not be able to drink, your tarantula will definitely appreciate being able to drink and replenish its lost fluids.
If you’d like to learn more about tarantulas and the molting process, check out my tarantula guide!
I’m pretty sure it depends on how old/ big your T is. Slings and juveniles harden up quicker or at least that’s what I’ve herd