How Do Tarantulas Map Out Their Space?

Thinking about how tarantulas see the world and move around it fascinates me, especially as I continue to observe my own tarantulas more as time goes by. We don’t know much about the inner workings of tarantulas or know much about their experience of the world, but I’ve definitely seen some things that make me think.
Unfortunately, there’s not much research about this topic it seems. What we do know is that it is believed that tarantulas have terrible eyesight – so they are unlikely to use vision as a sense that helps them get around. We also believe that tarantulas do not possess the ability or brain activity to have a working memory – so they’re not really able to remember paths or where they are going as far as we know (however, I sometimes wonder after seeing my tarantulas do some weird stuff!). We also know that their main sense for getting around seems to be connected to their hair, which is very sensitive to touch, vibrations and air. Other than that, I don’t think we really know much else!
I think this article is going to have more questions than answers unfortunately. I have been wondering this question ever since getting my Grammostola rosea, Spidey. I would notice she would commonly stay or go back to one area of her tank and have distinct “paths” she would take. Whether it was repeatedly laying in her water dish, hiding in her mini tank or hide, her patterns and habitual behavior made me wonder. I especially wondered this during feedings, where I would witness that Spidey would put her food down in one place, move around, and then magically be able to find it again and pick it up with her fangs with a crazy amount of precision. How is it possible that a creature who cannot remember things or see do that?!?!?! Crazy stuff!
But Spidey gets obsessed with certain areas of her tank every now and then. Could it be that every time she is really experiencing it for the first time? Or that she enjoys it that much to just keep doing it for the first time every time? Can she recognize or remember that she enjoys it or has enjoyed it before? How do they remember that they love throwing dirt in the water dish? Or that this particular corner is the garbage or poop spot?
It seems like we don’t know the answers to these questions right now, but I REALLY hope someone out there is studying it!