The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas

Are you a proud owner of a tarantula or you intend to become one?
The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas eBook is the perfect interactive tarantula care guide for beginning and intermediate tarantula owners who are trying to educate themselves without having to weed through tons of confusing info.
This guide was created just for you. You’re already doing your best to research tarantula care and husbandry. But you’re overwhelmed and confused by all the conflicting, inaccurate, and outdated information that’s out there. I once struggled with this as well, so I know it’s possible to cut through the noise and learn how to be a great tarantula owner. I’m here to show you how it’s done.
Ready to get started?
What would it be feel like to:
- Know deep down you’re giving your tarantulas the best care
- Know you won’t ever risk accidentally hurting them
- Not have to waste hours in tarantula forums searching for the answers
- Not be bullied in tarantula Facebook groups because you made a mistake
- Know the many reasons why your tarantula isn’t eating (and how to fix it!)
- Know when to worry or when your tarantula is just being silly
- Be confident that you could save your tarantula’s life if they are hurt or sick
- Guarantee that your tarantula is comfortable and not stressed out
- Save money by not buying unnecessary products
- Relax and feel comfortable in your skills, even as a beginner
- Learn from experts, fast track your progress and grow your tarantula collection
- Know how to raise and care for your tarantula at all of its special life stages
It’s all possible with The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas (eBook)
I know what it’s like to be passionate and love tarantulas but be extremely frustrated and confused because it’s not an easy hobby. I know what it’s like to waste money due to being told the wrong information. And I know what it’s like to spend hours upon hours researching for your tarantula yet still feel clueless.
I also know what it’s like to:
- Become so experienced and passionate that thousands of people regard you as a tarantula resource (I’m kinda a big deal in the tarantula Tumblr community)
- Be able to enjoy your tarantulas instead of worrying about them
- Give your tarantulas enrichment and top-notch care
- Create hacks and strategies through years of experience and prevent common pitfalls
- Finally find your confidence and groove as a professional tarantula mom/dad
Now it’s your turn!
- Learn from the ultimate, most updated resources in tarantula care
- Fast track your progress instead of making easy-to-avoid mistakes
- Give your tarantula a happy, healthy home where they can thrive
- Only spend money on the things you absolutely need
- End the anxiety of accidentally harming your tarantula
- Be able to treat your tarantula in case of illness or injury (tarantula doctors are rare!)
- Know your individual tarantula’s body language and moods
I know you might have already been all over the internet and tarantula forums trying to find the information you need. You might have even bought The Tarantula Keeper’s Guide (which was published DECADES ago). But tarantula care has changed a lot since then and we have learned a lot about these creatures since then.
Here’s an example of the beautiful, high quality imagery you’ll be learning from:
The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas was created using current scientific knowledge of tarantulas and by sourcing advice from the biggest tarantula experts around. I’m confident that this guide will make it fun and easy for you to learn about tarantula care with easy to digest info and colorful, memorable diagrams, interactive videos, links, and photos.
The Ultimate Guide To Tarantulas includes:
- Why you should (or shouldn’t) get a tarantula
- Common mistakes
- How to choose your first tarantula
- Differences between various types of tarantulas
- Tarantula anatomy 101
- How tarantulas eat and digest
- How, when, and what to feed your tarantula
- Nutrition, power feeding and gut loading (should you do it?)
- How to care for slings (baby spides!)
- Tarantula starter kits (enclosures, decor, etc.)
- How to easily rehouse and change your Ts tank
- Humidity
- Heating and lighting (a very controversial subject)
- How to sex a tarantula
- Mating
- Caring for pregnant tarantulas and egg sacs
- Molting
- Tarantula body language
- Tarantula stress management
- Tarantula defenses (bites, hairs, and how to treat yourself)
- Tarantula handling
- How to safely package your tarantulas for shipping
- Tarantula first aid (supplies and how-tos)
- Tarantula diseases, injuries, safety and prevention
- How to deal with mites and parasites
- Tarantula death and euthanizing
- Reputable resources for buying tarantulas and food
…And more!
Check out the table of contents for more:
Plus, you’ll get my very own BONUS tips!
- How to get a picky tarantula to eat
- The safest, cheapest way to keep your tarantula warm in the winter
- How to make your dangerous mesh lid safe for your tarantula
Here’s a preview of just a few pages:
…And it’s only $12!
Many tarantula owners have used this guide and loved it, and I’m sure you will, too! (AND a one-time purchase will give you access to updated guides in the future!) Hit the button below to download your copy now!