These Hilarious Tarantulas Prove That Spiders Aren’t Scary

Tarantulas and spiders get a bad reputation because they are forced to play the villains in movies, tv shows and everyday life as people have been conditioned to be arachnophobic. But if you spend time near any spider, you’ll find out that they are just big silly nerds!
I’ve compiled this list of funny tarantulas to prove once and for all that spiders aren’t scary. These images are NOT Photoshopped – these are real tarantulas from around the internet living their lives and being ridiculous while doing it. Share this with your friends and anyone who has a fear of spiders to show just how silly spiders can be 🙂
1. Tarantulas love tea parties!
….While wearing bows on their butts! (source: ophelia-the-tarantula)
Sometimes tarantulas even invite humans for tea! (source: watchmedrown)
2. Tarantulas are basically little 8-legged cats!
Did you know that they purr like kittens? (source: sir-p-audax)
They even love playing with balls! (source: arachnophiliacs)
3. Tarantulas are social media experts!
Like this spider, who is trying to make a post on Tumblr from her smartphone (source: ophelia-the-tarantula)
They are very tech savvy in general, and can type very fast (source: imitation-lobster-meat)
4. Video games are a must for tarantulas! (source: ahobbitlikefrodo)
This baby loves playing her Zelda! (source: kidlokitrash)
5. They do “the thing” (source: bitidragon)
6. Tarantulas fist bump their human friends! (source: alrightyspidey)
7. They want to be artists really bad!
This little baby stole her owner’s paintbrush and won’t give it back!!! (source: Yourdeadblood)
This is Ophelia, a very talented painter (source: sir-p-audax).
8. Tarantula butts are like beautiful kiwis! (source: winderbeast)
9. Tarantulas love doing yoga by the pool! (source: alrightyspidey)
10. They really love adventure! (source: necessary)
Especially this wild spider! (source: earth-inspired)
11. Tarantulas love admiring themselves (source: sir-p-audax)
12. Tarantulas are totally emo (source: iwilleatyourenglish)
13. Tarantulas are nerds that love outer space! (source: glspidurs)
14. They get caught doing funny things, like planking! (source: alrightyspidey)
15. They misbehave, just like all other pets! Here’s some tarantula shaming! (source: Zogmuffin via Reddit)
This tarantula won’t use her hide! (source: loved-and-lost)
16. They’re very opinionated about your toys, and they’ll let you know it!
This baby HATES the Galactic Empire and is desperately trying to conquer it. (source: Hairbrush1 via Reddit)
17. Really, this is the truth about tarantulas, once you get to know them (source: Cargoart):
See!? Nothing to be afraid of at all!
Do you have a silly spider you want to share on this page? Submit it! And please share this post so that we can spread the word about how awesome tarantulas are 🙂 If you’d like to WAY more about tarantulas and how to care about them, be sure to purchase my full tarantula guide!
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