Curly Hair [Brachypelma albopilosum]

Common name: Curly Hair
Scientific name: Brachypelma albopilosum
Appearance: Curly hair tarantulas are covered in brown to black hair with a gold-bronze sheen due to longer gold hairs that are long and curly.
Origin: Central America, from Honduras to Costa Rica
Type: New world, terrestrial, burrowing
Size: 5-5.5″ fully grown legspan
Life span: Female: 3-10 years, Males: much shorter
Attitude: Curly hair tarantulas are extremely docile and calm and considered the best to handle!
Defensive behavior: Brachypelma albopilosum usually don’t get skittish or defensive. They have urticating hairs, but are not likely to flick them.
Bite danger: All tarantulas have venom, but luckily Curly Hairs’ venom isn’t very potent. Most humans don’t have systemic effects from this spider’s bite. Most symptoms include localized pain, itching, and burning – however every person reacts differently. Unless you are allergic to the spider’s bite (which you unfortunately won’t know until after the fact), a bite from this tarantula will just be a little irritating.
Handling: Curly hairs are considered the best tarantula for handling due to their docile nature.
Diet/Nutrition: Curly hair tarantulas eat crickets and other large insects (not wild-caught!) It has been reported that these spiders can eat small pinky mice, however it is not suggested because the calcium in the mammals’ bones is not good for the tarantula.
- Substrate: Coconut husk substrate is recommended.
- Decor: Every tarantula’s tank should have a hide for the spider to retreat in. A hollow log or driftwood is recommended. Small artificial plans can also be included for decoration. Get creative!
- Humidity: The humidity should be high, 75%-80%
- Lighting: Lighting isn’t necessary for Curly Hair tarantulas.
- Water: A small, shallow water dish should always be present.
Temperature: The ideal temperature for Curly Hairs is 70-80°F.
Fun facts: Curly hair tarantulas are sometimes called “wooly tarantulas” because of their fluffy hairs!
Cool Curly Hair websites: email a suggestion to!
I hope you found that helpful! If you’d like to WAY more about tarantulas and how to care about them, be sure to purchase my full tarantula guide!
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